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The full livestream of the Christians Engaged 2023 Wake Up! Conference.

4 Lessons - None

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The full livestream of the Christians Engaged 2022 Wake Up! Conference

3 Lessons - None

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The full livestream of the Christians Engaged 2021 Wake Up! Conference.

4 Lessons - None

Not started

Do you have a desire to become civically involved, but don’t know how or where to begin? Start your journey with our in-depth On-Ramp to Civic Engagement course taught by leading Christian and government leaders in front of a live audience.

12 Lessons - None

Not started

God commanded His children to champion justice in their individual lives and in society, but many Christians lack a solid understanding of Biblical Justice. In this powerful course, you will discover God’s definition of justice, how God’s standard of justice figured into His plan of salvation, how justice should be applied to society and government, and the ultimate cure for injustice. Also featuring a special section on America’s founding documents.

8 Lessons - None

Not started

At all levels of our society and culture, we are faced with issues that seem insurmountable. Oftentimes because of this, we become overwhelmed and ineffective. Nehemiah shows us how we can overcome the obstacles we face. His life was marked by prayer, devotion to God’s Word, humility, wisdom, and service, and he left a rich legacy for us to draw upon and emulate. Through this study, discover the timeless principles of effective leadership Nehemiah used to make a lasting impact. God has put you right where He wants you – be a leader empowered by the Holy Spirit to make a difference in our generation!

16 Lessons - None

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